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高尔夫球场的设计师是“世纪球王”杰克•尼克劳斯。球会拥有两个18洞国际锦标赛球场和一个9洞灯光球场。球场设计融合了他无数征战的丰富经验,依据日照、风向、季节等气候因素的变化而设计出每一个球道,将怡情美景与起伏舒缓的球场完美结合在一起,堪称惊世杰作!“金熊球场”的唯美、秀气,“尼克劳斯球场”的粗狂雄浑,无不激发着球手每一根兴奋的神经。众多国际顶级赛事在此举办:2004年“大众杯”高尔夫球赛、2005年Johnnie Walker Classic高尔夫球赛、2005年WCG世界名人高尔夫赛以及自2007年开始将连续十年举办的,已获得日巡赛、亚巡赛、中高协共同认证的华彬自主品牌赛事--华彬北京公开赛。



The world famous Pine Valley Golf Club is seated in the grand and elegant gardens of  Pine Valley Country Club together with Pine Valley Polo Club and Pine Valley Resort Hotels.

The golf club features itself by two 18-hole courses and one 9-hole night light course, whose designer is the Greatest Golf King in the last century ----Jack Nicklaus, he infused his rich experiences together with the natural surroundings, mountains and beautiful gardens, as well as the changing of the climate in different seasons to successfully work out such kind of unprecedented masterpiece, no matter the delicate and art-for-art Golden Bear Course or the bold and rough lines of Nicklaus Course will vitalize each of their exciter nerve. As a venue for international superb competitions,

It has held plenty of large influential sports competitions, including: Volkswagen Master-China 2004, Johnnie Walker Golf Classic 2005, WCG Celebrities Golf Match 2005, and the Pine Valley Beijing Open which has certified by Japan Tour, Asia Tour and China Golf Association and will be held in 10 consecutive years.

Except the beautiful landscape, we can experience the five-star White House and the abundant recreational activities, such as the pure Thai-style SPA, great delicacy, dulcet red wine and cigar, furor equestrianism, luxurious Bentley cars, as well as the Bombardier Global 5000, which has attracted many world celebrities gathering here, including Mr. Clinton, Mr. Blair, Mr. Thaksin, Mr. Samaranch, Mr. Schwarzenegger,

Mr. Maladona, etc.

Pine Valley Golf Club, the East Augusta at the foot of Great Wall.



Golden BearClub、Nicklaus Club、Chinese/Western/Korea/Japanese Restaurant、Driving Range、Pro Shop、Muti-funtion、Rest Room

Foot Massgae.



Whitehouse Hotel、Preserve Hotel、International Hotel、Meeting Center、Villa Hotel、Chief Mansion、Diagnosis Center、Finess Facility、Tennis Court、Swimming Pool、Bowling、Thai SPA、Pet Hotel


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